Concentration Area: Drugs and Medications


Research Line - Avaliação Biológica de Princípios Ativos, Naturais e Sintéticos


Assessment of Acute Oral Toxicity and Pharmacological Properties of an Amazónian Medicinal Species

Coordinator: Enéas de Andrade Fontes Jr

Start date: 05/01/2015

Funding: National Council of Scientific and Technological Development


Integrating Research in Neuroscience and Biochemistry to Reduce the Impact of Hyperlipidemia and Mercurial Intoxication on Child Development

Coordinator: Maria Helena Crespo López

Start date: 01/16/2017

Funding: National Scientific and Technological Development Consortium - (CNPq / CAPES - Public Call 06/201 - Casadinho / PROCAD)


Phytochemical and Pharmacognostic Analysis of Amazónian Species: Petivera alliacea L. and eupatorium ayapana

Coordinator: Maria Lucia Souza Siqueira

Start date: 01/01/2009.

Funding: Federal University of Pará - (Integration Program Teaching Research Extension).


Evaluation of Circulating Neutrophils in Patients with Malignant Hematologic Neoplasms

Coordinator: Carolina Heitmann Mares Azevedo

Start date: 04/11/2018



Evaluation of the Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Behavioral Activity of Different Plant Extracts

Coordinator: Marta Chagas Monteiro

Start date: 06/21/2010



Evaluation of the Effect of Resveratol and Lipoic Acid on Methemoglobinemia Induced by Dapsone Polyquimytherapy and Metabolic (DDS-NOH) in In Vitro Models

Coordinator: Marta Chagas Monteiro

Start date: 01/02/2010.



Evaluation of the Neuroprotective Effect of Caffeine in Female Rats Poisoned by Ethanol in the Binge Pattern

Coordinator: Cristiane do Socorro Ferraz Maia

Start date: 01/01/2017

Funding: National Scientific and Technological Development Consortium


Tissue, Biochemical and Proteomic Evaluation of Salivary Glands in Animal Models of Exposure to Metals

Coordinator: Rafael Rodrigues Lima

Start date: 01/01/2016

Funding: National Science and Technology Development Consortium - (Research Grant)


Antimicrobial Effect of Extract and Fractions of Propolis In Vitro

Coordinator: Marta Chagas Monteiro

Start date: 01/01/2010.



Protective Effect of Natural Products on Physiological Dysfunctions in Murine Sepsis Model

Coordinator: Marta Chagas Monteiro

Start date: 03/20/2012.

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - (Graduate Support Program)


Adverse Effects to the New Treatment of Tuberculosis

Coordinator: José Luiz Fernandes Vieira

Start date: 01/07/2013

Funding: Foundation for Research Support of the State of Pará - (Edital Fapespa 003/2012 PPSUS - Research Program for SUS)


Cardiovascular Effects of Doxycycline, Atorvastatin and Vitamin D in Mice with Osteoporosis and Atherosclerosis

Coordinator: Alejandro Ferraz do Prado

Start date: 01/01/2017

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - (Graduate Support Program)


Behavioral Effects of Propolis Oil on the Central Nervous System

Coordinator: Cristiane do Socorro Ferraz Maia

Start date: 01/01/2012.

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - (Graduate Support Program)


Effects of Amazónian Species on the Central Nervous System: behavioral and phytochemical analyzes

Coordinator: Cristiane do Socorro Ferraz Maia

Start date: 01/01/2012

Funding: Foundation for Research Support of the State of Pará - (First Projects Program - PPP - FAPESPA / CNPq)


Neurobehavioral Effects and in the Oxidative Biochemistry of Chronic Exposure to Ethanol and Methylmercury in Adolescence in Rats

Coordinator: Cristiane do Socorro Ferraz Maia

Start date: 08/01/2014

Funding: Foundation for Research Support of the State of Pará - (Support Program)


Study of Nutritional Status, Cognitive Status and Adherence to Medicinal Treatment in Children and Adults with Malaria Vivax in the State of Pará

Coordinator: Marcieni Ataide de Andrade

Start date: 05/20/2012.

Funding: Research Support Foundation of the State of Pará - (FAPESPA Official Notice 003/2012 PPSUS - Research Program for SUS).


Clinical-Laboratory Studies in Basic and Applied Research on Tropical Diseases, with Emphasis on Leprosy, Chromoblastomycosis and Paracoccidioidomycosis

Coordinator: Moisés Batista da Silva

Start date: 04/13/2015

Funding: National Science and Technology Development Consortium - (Research Grant)


Phytochemical, Biological and Cytotoxicity Studies of Eleutherine plicata Herb

Coordinator: Maria Fâni Dolabela

Start date: 01/03/2012.

Funding: Cons. Nation of Scientific and Technological Development - (Universal Call 2011).


Multidrug-Resistant Leprosy in Multi-Drug Therapy in the State of Pará

Coordinator: Moisés Batista da Silva

Start date: 04/21/2014

Funding: National Council of Scientific and Technological Development - (Universal Call 2011).


Identification of Biomarkers in Various Diseases, Including Sepsis, Heart Diseases, Neurodegenerative Diseases

Coordinator: Marta Chagas Monteiro

Start date: 01/01/2016

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - (Program of Promotion to the Graduate)


Investigation of the Effect of Clarified Açaí Juice in Rats with Neuromotor and Biochemical Disorders Induced by Ethanol Intoxication from the Intermittent and Episodic Pattern of Adolescence to Adulthood

Coordinator: Cristiane do Socorro Ferraz Maia

Start date: 01/01/2017



Investigation of the Effects of Caffeine on Behavioral Changes and Oxidative Stress Caused by Intoxication of Ethanol from Adolescence to Adulthood

Coordinator: Cristiane do Socorro Ferraz Maia

Start date: 01/01/2017

Funding: National Council of Scientific and Technological Development - (Universal Call 2011).


Secondary Metabolites Bioactives of Plants and Microorganisms and Their Biological Activities

Coordinator: Maria Fâni Dolabela

Start date: 05/25/2013

Funding: National Council of Scientific and Technological Development - (Universal Call 2011).


Monitoring and Surveillance of Efficacy and Adverse Events of Antimalarial Treatment in a Reference Center in Extra-Amazon: a study to support changes in follow-up protocols

Coordinator: José Luiz Fernandes Vieira

Start date: 04/01/2017

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel- (Program of Promotion to the Graduate)


Views and Knowledge About Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapy: integration strategies between teaching and health service

Coordinator: Marcieni Ataíde de Andrade

Start date: 02/05/2018

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel- (Program of Promotion to the Graduate)


Health and Pharmaceutical Assistance to Riverine Communities

Coordinator: Carolina Heitmann Mares Azevedo

Start date: 07/07/2012

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel- (Graduate Development Program)


Use of Drugs During the Gestational Period and Lactation: effects on central nervous system development, behavior, nociception and oxidative stress

Coordinator: Cristiane do Socorro Ferraz Maia

Start date: 01/01/2012.

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - (Program of Promotion to the Graduate)


Research Line - Development and Evaluation of Natural and Synthetic Medicines


Utilization of the Agroindustrial Residues of Tucumã (astrocaryum vulgare mart.): Obtaining dry extracts standardized in natural antioxidants for the development and evaluation of functional foods and applications in human nutrition

Coordinator: José Otávio Carréra Silva Júnior

Starting date: 1/6/2016



The Use of Cocoa Agro-Industrial Residues (theobroma cacao l.): Obtaining dry extracts standardized in natural antioxidants and applications in the fish farming of Amazónian tambaquis (colossoma macropomum)

Coordinator: Roseane Maria Ribeiro Costa

Start date: 01/04/2013

Funding: Consortium for Scientific and Technological Development - (Technological Development Scholarship)


Utilization of Cupuassu Agroindustrial Residues (theobroma grandiflorum): obtaining standardized dry extracts in natural antioxidants and addition in multimixture flour for applications in human nutrition

Coordinator: José Otávio Carréra Silva Júnior

Start date: 01/01/2013

Funding: FINEP Projects Studies Financier - (MCTI / FINEP / CT-INFRA)


Development of Nanocapsules and Pharmaceutical Plastic Forms Containing oil of Vegetal Species of the Amazon Region

Coordinator: José Otávio Carréra Silva Júnior

Start date: 01/01/2012.

Funding: Funding: Cons of Scientific and Technological Development - (Research Scholarship)


Consolidation of the Phytotherapeutic Technology Laboratory - LTFito

Coordinator: José Otávio Carréra Silva Júnior

Start date: 01/01/2014.

Funding: Foundation for Research Support of the State of Pará - (Support Program).


Development of Nanocapsules and Pharmaceutical Forms Plastic containing Vegetable Oil of the Amazon Region

Coordinator: Wagner Luiz Ramos Barbosa

Start date: 01/01/2010.



Phytochemical and Antioxidant Evaluation of Petivera alliacea L. and Eupatorium ayapana V.

Coordinator: Marcieni Ataide de Andrade

Start date: 01/01/2010.



Extraction of Bioproducts from Cerrado Plants and Application to Nutrition of Ruminants

Coordinator: Edemilson Cardoso da Conceição

Start date: 01/01/2011.

Funding: National Council of Scientific and Technological Development - (Edital MCT / CNPq / FNDCT / FAPs / MEC / CAPES / PRO-CENTRO-OESTE 31/2010).


Chitosan Films as Modified Drug Delivery System for Periodontal Treatment

Coordinator: Roseane Maria Ribeiro Costa

Start date: 03/21/2013.



Implantation of the Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology Laboratory

Coordinator: José Otávio Carréra Silva Júnior

Start date: 02/05/2012.

Funding: FINEP Projects Studies Financier - (MCTI / FINEP / CT-INFRA).


New Strategy for Immunization against Typhoid Fever

Coordinator: Roseane Maria Ribeiro Costa

Start date: 06/08/2011.

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - (National Plan of Post-Doctoral).


Obtaining, Characterizing and Evaluating Diclofenac Chitosan Nanoparticles as a Modified Drug Delivery System

Coordinator: José Otávio Carréra Silva Júnior

Start date: 01/01/2011.

Funding: Coordination of Improvement of Higher Level Personnel - (National Plan of Post-Doctoral).


Research, Development and Technological Innovation of Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals from raw Materials of Natural, Synthetic or Biotechnological Origin

Coordinator: José Otávio Carréra Silva Júnior

Start date: 01/16/2012

Funding: Financier of Studies Projects FINEP - (Financial Support)


Network for the Strengthening and Strategic Innovation of the Productive Chain of Extracts and Oils of the Paraense Amazónian Applied to Phytotherapics and Cosmetics

Coordinator: Wagner Luiz Ramos Barbosa

Start date: 01/01/2011.

Funding: Financier of Studies Projects FINEP - (Financial Aid)


Innovative Technology in the Production of Medicines and Cosmetics

Coordinator: Roseane Maria Ribeiro Costa

Start date: 04/01/2011
